Italian Republic love

Italian Republic


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun The official name of Italy.


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  • The feudal concession for the water derivation was recognized by the new unified state of Italy in the 1860s and later by the Italian Republic after World War II.

    Water 2009

  • The feudal concession for the water derivation was recognized by the new unified state of Italy in the 1860s and later by the Italian Republic after World War II.

    Little Green Tracs 2009

  • The feudal concession for the water derivation was recognized by the new unified state of Italy in the 1860s and later by the Italian Republic after World War II.

    Cultural 2009

  • The feudal concession for the water derivation was recognized by the new unified state of Italy in the 1860s and later by the Italian Republic after World War II.

    February 2009 2009

  • The feudal concession for the water derivation was recognized by the new unified state of Italy in the 1860s and later by the Italian Republic after World War II.

    The Ru Neuf 2009

  • How could it be that Italians, even those brainwashed by TV, are not forcefully opposing, are not about to puke in the face of such slut picture of the Italian Republic?

    In Italy, Online Activism Fires Up ���No Berlusconi Day��� 2009

  • The feudal concession for the water derivation was recognized by the new unified state of Italy in the 1860s and later by the Italian Republic after World War II.

    Via Francigena 2009

  • The feudal concession for the water derivation was recognized by the new unified state of Italy in the 1860s and later by the Italian Republic after World War II.

    Travelogue 2009

  • The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Italian Republic.

    Archive 2008-06-15 2008

  • The "Kingdom" of Italy is gone, the House of Savoy exiled (and only recently allowed to return), the Italian Republic has gone through one unstable govt. to another - while the Popes have their own state (however small) and is one of the most important voices (still) in Italy and the world.

    Fall of the Papal States de Brantigny........................ 2008


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